Help for vintage Ruby doobie newbie

I am trying to build R on R on my inteliMac, following Dan’s idiotproof
instructions at hivelogic.
I had previously done this on my son’s iBook some time ago and got stuck
half-way through the Apple tutorial, with password issues, when
installing MySQL. I only had part-time access to the iBook. My CRT iMac
at the time would not read the ruby forums as it was running 10.1. We
were also on dialup which made downloading XCode 2 non-trivial ( dropped
out half-way through after 24hrs downloading) and I had to give up.
I felt at the time it was an issue to do with working from a non-admin
user in a multiple user set-up.
Now I am stuck at the sudo make install point of installing the
updated ruby version. Terminal will not accept any of my passwords. I am
back in my ordinary user. I had password(s) rejected at the first sudo
of the hivelogic narrative, so I went into NetInfo, set a root password
and created the src file from the admin user. Pardon me for going back
into my ordinary user but that is where all my stuff is and where I
usually work from.
I have used Macs for 7years, and though I have not worked much in the
terminal much, we are not total *nix virgins.
When sudoing from Terminal and it asks for password, does it mean root
pw or admin pw?
Can some pigeon-blooded gemstoner offer some sage advice as to the
proper protocol for building R on R in a multiple user set-up, or
perhaps tell me where I have screwed up?
Also I am still using XCode 2.3. Do I absolutely need 2.4 right now, as
we’re pushing our broadband data cap.
My humble apologies if this is naiive, trivial, imprecise, wordy, or all
of the above.

I believe to use sudo, you have to be an administrator of the system.
Your normal user does not have access to sudo. The password to enter
with sudo is the user’s password.

So, if you’re logged in with the user “zomguser” and “zomguser”'s
password is “hi2u”. zomguser has to be an administrator and when you
type sudo enter “hi2u”.


On 2/3/07, John S. [email protected] wrote:

user in a multiple user set-up.
pw or admin pw?
Posted via

EPA Rating: 3000 Lines of Code / Gallon (of coffee)

Carl L. wrote:

I believe to use sudo, you have to be an administrator of the system.
Your normal user does not have access to sudo. The password to enter
with sudo is the user’s password.

So, if you’re logged in with the user “zomguser” and “zomguser”'s
password is “hi2u”. zomguser has to be an administrator and when you
type sudo enter “hi2u”.


On 2/3/07, John S. [email protected] wrote:

user in a multiple user set-up.
pw or admin pw?
Posted via

EPA Rating: 3000 Lines of Code / Gallon (of coffee)
Thanks Carl
You are correct. When I posted I was stuck with Terminal open in both
I eventually realised I couldn’t do it from an ordinary user and quit
that session.
Then I found that in my admin Terminal session I was in the wrong
I backed out and then retraced my steps. I have now successfully built R
on R.
Thanks again