Collection_select & selected value


I have the following view code:

<%= f.collection_select :goaltype_id, Goaltype.find(:all), :id, :name,
{ :onchange => “new Effect.SlideDown(‘onetime’); return false;”, :style
=> “width:200px”, :multiple => true } %>

<%= render(:partial => "g_onetime" ) %>

What I’d like to do is to capture the value that the user selected and
then use it to determine which div to display. Right now this works
just fine in displaying only the one div “onetime”, but I need it to be
more robust and determine which div to select based on what value the
user chooses in the drop-down.

Do I need a listener or something?

Thanks in advance!


Any thoughts on this? Any help folks can provide would be greatly

On Jan 27, 10:40 am, Mike D. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-