Alternative to Rails Heartbeat


Sorry newbie question again… I just came across a cool app called
heartbeat…Its like a web application control panel or executing rake +
capistrano tasks via web… unfortunately it seems like they are not
developing it anymore furthermore I can’t check out the code to test it
either as the svn server at railsday2006 is down?

So only thing that I can check is some screenshots I would like to give
this heartbeat a try…

Does anyone know of any alternative or any new news about heartbeat? It
was a neat concept hate to see the project is stalled…

Any help?

Hi Alan,

Glad to know you like Heartbeat. The version that is up right now on is still very much working (we use it
to monitor all our sites)!

The sad part is, we do have another version – an improved version of
the application with even more features, but have been so busy with
client work that we haven’t been able to launch it.

I’ll try to put up the code to the railsday version on our public repo
soon, and ping you about it.

Thanks for the message!

On 1/24/07, Alan W. [email protected] wrote:

this heartbeat a try…

Charles Brian Q.
highgroove studios:
slingshot hosting:
main: 678.389.9462 fax: 678.826.0969

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:


Super! I can’t wait…seriously it is really cool app! Now I am tracking
cleanair blog :slight_smile: Do hurry :slight_smile:


Charles Brian Q. wrote:

Hi Alan,

Glad to know you like Heartbeat. The version that is up right now on is still very much working (we use it
to monitor all our sites)!

The sad part is, we do have another version – an improved version of
the application with even more features, but have been so busy with
client work that we haven’t been able to launch it.

I’ll try to put up the code to the railsday version on our public repo
soon, and ping you about it.

Thanks for the message!

On 1/24/07, Alan W. [email protected] wrote:

this heartbeat a try…

Charles Brian Q.
highgroove studios:
slingshot hosting:
main: 678.389.9462 fax: 678.826.0969

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:

Hey I too am interested in getting ahold of the Heartbeat sourcecode.
I’ve been wanting to write a Rake web interface for Rails for a while.
I’m surprised that more people haven’t done this. Coud you send us a
link to the new svn repository for this project as well?


Charles Brian Q. wrote:

Hi Alan,

Glad to know you like Heartbeat. The version that is up right now on is still very much working (we use it
to monitor all our sites)!

The sad part is, we do have another version – an improved version of
the application with even more features, but have been so busy with
client work that we haven’t been able to launch it.

I’ll try to put up the code to the railsday version on our public repo
soon, and ping you about it.

Thanks for the message!

On 1/24/07, Alan W. [email protected] wrote:

this heartbeat a try…

Charles Brian Q.
highgroove studios:
slingshot hosting:
main: 678.389.9462 fax: 678.826.0969

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:

There is also something called Webistrano (
webistrano), that lets you manage capistrano deployments via a web
UI. Not sure if it is exactly what you guys are looking for, but I
haven’t heard it being mentioned, so I thought I would bring it up…


On Dec 28 2007, 7:14 pm, Nate M. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-