Validates_presence_of in parent ok. but how in children?

i have the problem that my child class fields aren’t validated on saving
parent. working with parent and child is fine.
if all fields are filled correctly everything is saved as expected.
but missing fields in the child arent added to the errors.
following short sample shows what i mean:


class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :children
validates_presence_of :parent_name

def init!

class Children < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
validates_presence_of children_name


@parent = session[:parent] ||=

the absence of parent_name will be correctly shown @parent.errors
but i cant find the absence of children_name. isnt it validated?

if parent_name is set and children name is nullable in DB
everything will be saved without validating the children.

i think im missing something important at this pont.

any help?

dweinand wrote:

has_one :children

if parent_name is set and children name is nullable in DB
everything will be saved without validating the children.

You need to add

validates_associated :children

to your Parent class.

(You’d get this automatically if it was a has_many rather than a

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

yeah. thank you. i found validates_associated :children a little while
after posting here.
pretty simple if you know it. :wink:

thank you.