A new window after a form? How?

I looked for an answer here, but couldn’t find it. Although it seems
obvious. I have a form. After the user makes his choices, I want to
have a new window with the results, not a replace. :popup does not
work, as I read here, 'cause it is not a link_to, but a form. I think I
have to call for the new window from the controller at the end of the
action, but what I found (page.call…) does not seem to work. I
obviously am missing something, but haven’t got a clue. Again. :frowning: .
Help would be greatly appreciated. Again. :slight_smile:

Rudy wrote:

I have a form. After the user makes his choices, I want to
have a new window with the results, not a replace.

Hi Rudy,

Easiest approach is probably to write a little JS that gets invoked on
form’s onSubmit.
