Numerous developers developing Rails app on different OSes

Hi all,

I was wondering whether there were any problems, or things to look out
for, if you had numerous developers all working on the same
application, but they uses different operating systems to do their
work? I am looking at some developers doing work on Windows and OS X,
working on the one project.


Hello Diego,

I am working on a project with one developer running on Windows XP
(eclipse) and another on Fedora Core 6. We have another server hosting
our CVS, and yet another running the deployed application (OS? Some
sort of *NIX). No problems due to OS specific stuff. Everybody is
using eclipse but I don’t think that really matters.

Hi mvargo,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. We actually took the leap. So
there’s one guy (me) on OS X and another on Windows both doing dev on
the same app.



We are developing with windows, ubuntu, FreeBSD and OS X with out any
problems. One thing to look out for would be different DB.


Use svn’s ignore ability to handle the database.yml configurations if

As long as all developers on your team use a quality text editor that
Unix line breaks and uses spaces instead of tabs, you should have no
problems at all.

I was wondering whether there were any problems, or things to look out
for, if you had numerous developers all working on the same
application, but they uses different operating systems to do their
work? I am looking at some developers doing work on Windows and OS X,
working on the one project.

One thing to look out for is spacing. You will want to make very sure
you don’t use tab characters anywhere in your application, instead
opting for spaces. Otherwise, otherwise identical application checkouts
may work perfectly on non-Windows platforms while Ruby on Windows may
randomly throw the weirdest parsing errors at you.


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