Ruby syntax coloring in emacs

Hi. Could someone please explain how to get ruby syntax coloring in
emacs? I’m running Mac OS X and I’m sort of new to emacs in general (I
know how to use a few emacs key bindings, but I don’t really know
anything about elisp files). Thanks!

On 1/15/07, Colin B. [email protected] wrote:

Hi. Could someone please explain how to get ruby syntax coloring in
emacs? I’m running Mac OS X and I’m sort of new to emacs in general (I
know how to use a few emacs key bindings, but I don’t really know
anything about elisp files). Thanks!

Probably ,
the site is loading slowly right now. Maybe check google for a cached


Colin B. wrote:

Hi. Could someone please explain how to get ruby syntax coloring in
emacs? I’m running Mac OS X and I’m sort of new to emacs in general (I
know how to use a few emacs key bindings, but I don’t really know
anything about elisp files). Thanks!

I think Carbon Emacs and AquaMacs both bundle the ruby-mode. So you
should get syntax highlighting out of the box. You might need :
(global-font-lock-mode t)

in your .emacs (or set using M-x customize-variable RET
global-font-lock-mode ).

