Rake test help


I am having difficulty using rake to run tests on a gem I have created.
I am able to run the tests I have created from the command line
individually without problem, but when I try to run through rake it
cannot locate the *.txt files that I use in the tests.

My folder structure has the tests in a folder under the rake file in
‘tests’ and the data files the tests are referencing are in

The rakefile is set up as

Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
t.libs << “tests”
t.test_files = FileList[‘tests/test*.rb’]
t.verbose = true

My test files are referencing *.txt files as follows:
def test_initialize
o = PAHelper::FilePeeker.new(‘testdata/peeker.txt’, 1)
puts o.output_data
assert_equal(1, o.output_data.size)

when I run ‘rake test’ I get the following error:

  1. Error:
    Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - testdata/peeker.txt
    ./tests/…/lib/file_peeker.rb:8:in initialize' ./tests/../lib/file_peeker.rb:8:ininitialize’
    tests/test_file_peeker.rb:7:in `test_initialize’

How do I set up my rakefile so that it can find the *.txt files in the
testdata folder?



On Sat, Jan 13, 2007 at 01:04:29AM +0900, Jeff Grice wrote:

I am having difficulty using rake to run tests on a gem I have created.
I am able to run the tests I have created from the command line
individually without problem, but when I try to run through rake it
cannot locate the *.txt files that I use in the tests.

My folder structure has the tests in a folder under the rake file in
‘tests’ and the data files the tests are referencing are in

So you have:
tests/(lots of tests.rb)

And your current directory when you are running ‘rake test’ is

           o = PAHelper::FilePeeker.new('testdata/peeker.txt', 1)

The bug is here, the current directory when the test is executed is
‘project_dir’ but the test assumes it is ‘project_dir/tests’

./tests/…/lib/file_peeker.rb:8:in initialize' tests/test_file_peeker.rb:7:intest_initialize’

How do I set up my rakefile so that it can find the *.txt files in the
testdata folder?

If all of your tests are all in test/ directory the easy way would be to
change your FilePeeker line above to do something like:

# make sure we have the directory of the data data files, in this
# case it is relative to the test's directory by being up one and
# then down the 'testdata' directory
def setup
    @data_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","testdata"))

def test_initialize
    o = PAHelper::FilePeeker.new(File.join(@data_dir,'peeker.txt'))
    puts o.output_data
    assert_equal(1, o.output_data.size)

Munge as necessary for deep testing directories, etc.



Thanks, this worked great.

I added an @data_dir variable in all of my test setup methods and always
reference File.join(@data_dir, “[whatever_data_file].txt”) for the data
and all of my problems are solved!

On Sat, Jan 13, 2007 at 03:31:56AM +0900, Jeff Grice wrote:

Thanks, this worked great.

I added an @data_dir variable in all of my test setup methods and always
reference File.join(@data_dir, “[whatever_data_file].txt”) for the data file
and all of my problems are solved!

Glad to help. Keep on having fun :slight_smile:

