
Did you meet any problems when using Ruby-Oci8?
Or do you expect any new functions/enhancements regarding Ruby-Oci8?

On 1/8/07, Shiwei Z. [email protected] wrote:

Did you meet any problems when using Ruby-Oci8?
Or do you expect any new functions/enhancements regarding Ruby-Oci8?

Ruby/OCI8 is one of my favorite Ruby libraries. Very nice.
The only thing I have occasionally wanted is better support for
URL-style connect strings, rather than needing Net8/TNS-style entries.
There are connect strings supported by the InstantClient that OCI8
cannot handle.

Someone at Oracle should help out with that hint hint. :slight_smile:


On 1/8/07, Wilson B. [email protected] wrote:

Someone at Oracle should help out with that hint hint. :slight_smile:

Yes, please.

Wilson B. wrote:

cannot handle.

Someone at Oracle should help out with that hint hint. :slight_smile:


Can you give us an example of the URL you prefer best? For instance, if
the connect string is “hr/[email protected]:1521/orcl”, what is the
URL-style connect string you expect for it?

On 1/8/07, Shiwei Z. [email protected] wrote:

URL-style connect strings, rather than needing Net8/TNS-style entries.

Just what you’ve written there would be fine by me.
To my knowledge, ruby/oci8 does not allow that syntax.