QTodo 0.1

Hello all !

I’m glad to announce the first (alpha) release of QTodo, a hierachical
TODO-list manager written in pure Ruby/Qt4. I’ve been looking for a long
time for a way to organise my TODO lists in a hierarchical way, but
failed to find something suiting me. Among other things, it features a
dual list view (tree view and flat view, the latter supporting sorting).
Download at


Some information and screenshots at


Although it is not a Ruby library usable by others, I believe it to be
a good demonstration of the possibilities of Qt4/Ruby. If you’re
interested in this, you probably will want to check out the SVN


I hope this will inspire some of you looking for a good GUI solution
with Ruby.



Vincent F. wrote:

Hello all !

I hope this will inspire some of you looking for a good GUI solution
with Ruby.

Looks interesting, but how does one get started using Ruby and Qt4?

James B.

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but the illusion
of knowledge.”

  • D. Boorstin

James B. wrote:

Vincent F. wrote:

Hello all !

I hope this will inspire some of you looking for a good GUI solution
with Ruby.

Looks interesting, but how does one get started using Ruby and Qt4?

For now, the pure Ruby resources are scarce. If you had a bit of
experience with Qt in C++, it is very easy to learn. I however believe
it is possible to learn straight in Ruby. In any case:

This should help a lot…
