Ruby headers in mac os x

Sorry for the stupid question. I am trying to build
rubyOSA 0.2.0 on my Mac Powerbook, OS X.4.8.
When I run “ruby extconf.rb”, following the instructions,
I get the answer “can’t find header files for ruby”.
When you stop laughing, please, tell me: what should I do?

Thanks a lot,

unknown wrote:

I am trying to build
rubyOSA 0.2.0 on my Mac Powerbook, OS X.4.8.
When I run “ruby extconf.rb”, following the instructions,
I get the answer “can’t find header files for ruby”.

It is looking for the ruby.h file.

In Ubuntu/Debian I install the ruby-dev package to get those header
files. I assume there is a similar package for Mac.

Hi Piero,

Did you install the developer tool package? IIRC you can install it
from the Mac OS X installation DVD.

(You can check this by running ‘gcc’ on the terminal, if you see
‘command not found’ you don’t have the developer tool package.)
