Problem with partial's object being nil

I have a problem with rendering a partial. Despite my best efforts the
object I pass in using the :object attribute is valid just before I
call the [shared] partial, but somehow becomes nil inside the partial.

I have a “customer” object that includes an “address” model object by
aggregation. I render the address portion via a partial, so that I can
re-use addresses in other models.

Customer model:
composed_of :address,
:class_name => ‘Address’,
:mapping => [ # Database Ruby
[ :street, :street ],

[ :country_id, :country_id ]

Customer show.rhtml (with extra debug statement):

<%= link_to( @customer.website_url, :url => @customer.website_url
) %>

<%= h( @customer.address.street ) %>
<%= render( :partial => ‘/addresses/address_show’, :object =>
@customer.address )%>

/addresses/_address_show.rhtml: (The partial)

Address: <%= h( @address_show.street ) %>

relevant action from the Customer controller:
def show
@customer = Customer.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.rhtml
  format.xml  { render :xml => @customer.to_xml } # Not using this

at the moment

I don’t have a variable called address_show anywhere in the controller
(I read another post that implied having the partial name match a
variable name in the controller might confuse things.)

The error message:
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.street

Extracted source (around line #3):


3: <%= h( @address_show.street ) %>

Can anyone explain what I’m doing wrong: why @customer.address appears
to be valid in one line of the customer view, but ends up in passing
nil to the partial in the next line?



Bruce wrote:

/addresses/_address_show.rhtml: (The partial)

Address: <%= h( @address_show.street ) %>

It should be: <%= h address_show.street %>

Dan M.