Fork on Windows

What’s the best way to see if a particular platform supports fork? I
know I could check if it’s running on Windows, but I’d like something
more direct (and presumably accurate).

A similar question: assuming a standard Ruby install (that is, no
popen4), what’s the most robust way of running a shell command and
capturing STDOUT and STDERR?
command 2>&1 seems to not always work on Windows.

On 1/1/07, Robert J. [email protected] wrote:

What’s the best way to see if a particular platform supports fork? I
know I could check if it’s running on Windows, but I’d like something
more direct (and presumably accurate).

You could test fork and see if you get a defined value back.

A similar question: assuming a standard Ruby install (that is, no
popen4), what’s the most robust way of running a shell command and
capturing STDOUT and STDERR?
command 2>&1 seems to not always work on Windows.

And it won’t. That’s bourne-shell syntax.


Michael P. Soulier wrote:

You could test fork and see if you get a defined value back.

Not sure how to do this… Kernel.respond_to? :fork is true on both

Not sure how to do this… Kernel.respond_to? :fork is true on both

can you execute fork in windows and catch the exception if it fails ?

Uma G. wrote:

can you execute fork in windows and catch the exception if it fails ?

Nope - fork is used deep inside a lib. I’d like to exit right away if
the platform doesn’t support it, otherwise let the lib run as normal.

Nope - fork is used deep inside a lib. I’d like to exit right away if
the platform doesn’t support it, otherwise let the lib run as normal.

then do this exception test during the installation process

Uma G. wrote:

Not sure how to do this… Kernel.respond_to? :fork is true on both

can you execute fork in windows and catch the exception if it fails ?

Is this like “stick a fork in it and see if it’s done?”

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky, FBG, AB, PTA, PGS, MS, MNLP, NST, ACMC(P)

If God had meant for carrots to be eaten cooked, He would have given
rabbits fire.

On Tue, 2 Jan 2007, Robert J. wrote:

What’s the best way to see if a particular platform supports fork? I
know I could check if it’s running on Windows, but I’d like something
more direct (and presumably accurate).

has_fork =
fork{ exit }

A similar question: assuming a standard Ruby install (that is, no
popen4), what’s the most robust way of running a shell command and
capturing STDOUT and STDERR?
command 2>&1 seems to not always work on Windows.




univeral capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process
pid for windows, *nix, etc.



gem install systemu


<========< samples/a.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/a.rb

 # systemu can be used on any platform to return status, stdout, and 

stderr of
# any command. unlike other methods like open3/popen4 there is
zero danger of
# full pipes or threading issues hanging your process or
require ‘systemu’

   date = %q( ruby -e"  t =; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t 

" )

   status, stdout, stderr = systemu date
   p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/a.rb

 [#<Process::Status: pid=9960,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 

2006\n", “Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n”]

<========< samples/b.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/b.rb

 # quite a few keys can be passed to the command to alter it's 

behaviour. if
# either stdout or stderr is supplied those objects should
respond_to? ‘<<’
# and only status will be returned
require ‘systemu’

   date = %q( ruby -e"  t =; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t 

" )

   stdout, stderr = '', ''
   status = systemu date, 'stdout' => stdout, 'stderr' => stderr
   p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/b.rb

 [#<Process::Status: pid=9965,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 

2006\n", “Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n”]

<========< samples/c.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/c.rb

 # of course stdin can be supplied too.  synonyms for 'stdin' 

include ‘0’ and
# 0. the other stdio streams have similar shortcuts
require ‘systemu’

   cat = %q( ruby -e"  ARGF.each{|line| puts line}  " )

   status = systemu cat, 0=>'the stdin for cat', 1=>stdout=''
   puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/c.rb

 the stdin for cat

<========< samples/d.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/d.rb

 # the cwd can be supplied
   require 'systemu'
   require 'tmpdir'

   pwd = %q( ruby -e"  STDERR.puts Dir.pwd  " )

   status = systemu pwd, 2=>(stderr=''), :cwd=>Dir.tmpdir
   puts stderr

~ > ruby samples/d.rb


<========< samples/e.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/e.rb

 # any environment vars specified are merged into the child's 

require ‘systemu’

   env = %q( ruby -r yaml -e"  puts ENV[ 'answer' ] " )

   status = systemu env, 1=>stdout='', 'env'=>{ 'answer' => 0b101010 

puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/e.rb


<========< samples/f.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/f.rb

 # if a block is specified then it is passed the child pid and run 

in a
# background thread. note that this thread will not be blocked
during the
# execution of the command so it may do useful work such as killing
the child
# if execution time passes a certain threshold
require ‘systemu’

   looper = %q( ruby -e" loop{ STDERR.puts; sleep 1 } 

" )

   status, stdout, stderr =
     systemu looper do |cid|
       sleep 3
       Process.kill 9, cid

   p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/f.rb

 [#<Process::Status: pid=9985,signaled(SIGKILL=9)>, "", 



On 1/2/07, Tom P. [email protected] wrote:

And it won’t. That’s bourne-shell syntax.

It’s also cmd.exe syntax, so it /should/ work in Windows, too.

I’ve found that on winblows, one must invoke cme.exe /c “command” to
get redirection to work properly.


On Jan 1, 2007, at 6:28 PM, Michael P. Soulier wrote:

On 1/1/07, Robert J. [email protected] wrote:

A similar question: assuming a standard Ruby install (that is, no
popen4), what’s the most robust way of running a shell command and
capturing STDOUT and STDERR?
command 2>&1 seems to not always work on Windows.

And it won’t. That’s bourne-shell syntax.

It’s also cmd.exe syntax, so it /should/ work in Windows, too.
