Routing Error with LoginEngine

LoginEngine: Routing failed after porting from Win to Linux
Posted by Daniel Völkerts (Guest)
on 01.01.2007 17:00

Hi all,

I got a routing error with the login engine :frowning: Under my win dev machine
all went fine. After I checked out my rails dir from svn on linux I got
following error in my development.log

Processing Base#index (for at 2007-01-01 16:32:07) [POST]
Session ID: 1d709bf36cb2373b4c7af28f0ea9d891
Parameters: {“user”=>{“login”=>"", “password”=>""},

ActionController::RoutingError (Recognition failed for “/user/login”):
recognition_failed' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:512:inrecognize!’

(404 Page Not Found)

How can I fix this?

Rails/Engines info said:
dvoelkerts@schleppi:~/rails/Helferlein$ rake engines:info
(in /home/dvoelkerts/rails/Helferlein)
Engines plugin: 1.1.2
login_engine: 1.0.2

dvoelkerts@schleppi:~/rails/Helferlein$ rails -v && ruby -v
Rails 1.1.6
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i486-linux]

Any hints appreciate!


Have you updated to the latest official release of the engines plugin?
It should be 1.1.6, as I recall…