There is any script that run through the code and make a Todo list ?
Rdoc can do this ?

Felipe N. wrote:

There is any script that run through the code and make a Todo list ?
Rdoc can do this ?

How about something simple like:
irb(main):001:0> Dir.glob( '**/.rb’ ).each{ |file|
puts /\bTODO\b.+/i )
irb(main):003:1> }
TODO: handle save troubles
TODO: handle save troubles
TODO: check for save failure
TODO: Authorize as admin
TODO: Authorize as admin
ToDo - document options
ToDo: deal with columns that are methods and not actual columns

Also, TextMate (a text editor on Mac OS X with some very nice Ruby
support) has a bundle command that does this for you.

sender: “Felipe N.” date: “Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 07:09:41AM +0900” <<<EOQ
There is any script that run through the code and make a Todo list ?
Rdoc can do this ?
If by any chance you’re using vim, this tip does exactly that:
tips : vim online
