Redirect back to where I was before action?

For some reason I cannot find the documentation for this. How can I
store the current URI/URL so that I can return with a redirect_to?

session[last_action] = ???

Pulling some code from Rick O.'s acts_as_authenticated, roll
something akin to this following code. This requires that you’re using

def redirect_back_or_default(default)
session[:return_to] ? redirect_to_url(session[:return_to]) :
session[:return_to] = nil

Note, you’d want to put this in a file that’s accessible to your
controller or view. So application.rb or a global helper or in a lib
file called on load would be two good bets.

Taylor S. wrote:

For some reason I cannot find the documentation for this. How can I
store the current URI/URL so that I can return with a redirect_to?

session[last_action] = ???

You might mean session[:last_action]= perhaps.

If you want to go back to the previous page, you can use redirect_to
I find it useful when POST validation fails and need to redisplay the


I cannot use redirect_to :back because I need to refresh the page. In
either case presented, what is the rails method to get the current
action so that I can store it in the session?

Hmmm, I have used :back with good success so far. My form gets
refreshed. I wonder if this is a browser setting thing.

Anyway, try action_name within the action.
