Google Custom Search Engine


I created a Google Custom Search Engine for searching on:

“Software / Compilers / Optimization”

This is basically a regular full Google search giving preference to
technical sites such as IEEE, ACM, citeseer, the Universities,
news-group (this one included), commercial sites such as Intel,
Microsoft, HP, Sun, IBM, and others. The search results are further
biased towards software development, programming languages, and
optimizing compilers

The results are indeed much more specific than the regular Google
search. Try ity out! Additionally, if you are interested, please send
me an email and you can contribute to this search engine and add sites
you believe should be given preference to. Over time, it should become
better and better…

I “donated” a no-nonsense URL:

Check it out - and let me know what you think (no rants, please)!

– Robert Hundt HP

[email protected] wrote:

biased towards software development, programming languages, and
Check it out - and let me know what you think (no rants, please)!

I searched on ‘Haskell’ and got no results.

That seems odd.

Actually, I see now that no search gives results. :frowning:

(Side note: Have you looked at Curious how it compares to
Google custom searches.)

James B.

“You harmonize; then you customize.”

  • Wilson Pickett

Try It clusters your results in subjects.

I use it when google mixes up too many topics (try searching for
apache (webserver/indian tribe) or Ruby (gem/programing language)).