Error in login_engine tests

I am working with Edge rails and edge engines version. I am also using
login_engine in my application. While running tests in login_engine the
following errors are being displayed:

  1. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method users' for #<UserTest:0xb753af2c> /var/www/html/duo_server/config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb:452:inmethod_missing’
    test/unit/user_test.rb:13:in `test_auth’

  2. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method users' for #<UserTest:0xb753ae50> /var/www/html/duo_server/config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb:452:inmethod_missing’
    test/unit/user_test.rb:20:in `test_passwordchange’

I also found that the fixtures are not getting loaded to the test

Is there any compatibility issue with login_engine with the edge
version ? Or do I have to change anything to suit the new version?

  • Rashila.

The login engine is untested against Edge Rails - please do
investigate… :wink: