Radiant on eApps

Has anybody succesfully configured Radiant on an eapps.com VPS? I have a
horrible time following the instructions at
I just can’t get the routes.rb modifications they are talking about to
work. I’m a RoR newbie so the part that is really confusing is that they
have a directory structure like:


and they tell me that to add my app (in this case Radiant) under /html
and then modify the routes.rb (I’m assuming the one at html/config (not
the one under html/app/config). Any ideas?


I’m not sure why you have a RAILS_ROOT/app/config directory?

You want to edit RAILS_ROOT/config/routes.rb

Here is more info on routes:

Hey Brian,

You’re right, Eapps instructions are not really helpful. I spent a
whole day trying to get a RoR site working with Eapps. All kinds of
issues. I understand your frustration.

You shouldn’t have an app/config directory. That’s odd. It should be
virtual_domain->html->config. Maybe you should delete the site and
start over - or delete everything under html and run ‘rails newapp’?

Do you see anything interesting in /var/log/httpd/error_log? or

Send direct to me if you want to take this off list and we can report
back the solution to the list or dev wiki with Eapps instructions.

Maybe you should delete the site and
start over - or delete everything under html and run ‘rails newapp’?

Brian I think this suggestion Todd has is the best. “delete
everything” and then create a new rails app right there on your host.
Once you can get that working then you can move your code in place.

Michael et all,
You guys were right it was simply a matter of starting from scratch.
instructions at:


Although poorly written are mostly correct. What they don’t explain
quite right is that in eApps the DocRoot is the …/html directory. The
setup comes with the plain vanilla RoR app installed there. So you can
see the welcome page if you got to:


They recommend installing other Rails apps under /html so you’ll end up
with something like:


The database.yml for MySQL as shown in the document is wrong:

adapter: mysql
database: _development
socket: localhost

To get it to work I used this:

adapter: mysql
database: radiant_dev
username: radiant
password: *******
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

Also for Radiant you should grab the dispatch.* files from a fresh app.
It somehow does like that ones distributed with Radiant. After that
things should work (except for the whole Radiant in a subdirectory
problem for which I’m still trying to figure out a good solution)

I’ll put a How To on the Wiki once I get that last glitch worked out.


Michael J. wrote:

Maybe you should delete the site and
start over - or delete everything under html and run ‘rails newapp’?

Brian I think this suggestion Todd has is the best. “delete
everything” and then create a new rails app right there on your host.
Once you can get that working then you can move your code in place.

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