

I m new to RoR. I added a method to an already existing controller.
i am calling that method from a view (roadmap).
I also added following code in route.rb

project_actions.connect ‘projects/draganddropsort’, :action =>

portionwhere i call my function
<%= sortable_element ‘issue-list’,
:url => {:action => :draganddropsort, :issue_list => issues },
:complete => visual_effect(:highlight, ‘issue-list’),
:tag => ‘tr’

And im getting the
following error;

Processing ProjectsController#draganddropsort (for at
2011-01-12 16:03:20) [POST]
Parameters: {“issue_list”=>[“1477”, “1478”],
“action”=>“draganddropsort”, “authenticity_token”=>"…=",
“id”=>"*********", “issue-list”=>[“1478”, “1477”],

ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to draganddropsort.
Actions: accept_key_auth_actions, activity, add, add_file, api_request?,
archive, authorize, authorize_global, bazaar_field_tags,
check_if_login_required, check_project_privacy, column_content,
column_header, copy, current_language, current_menu_item,
custom_field_formats_for_select, custom_field_label_tag,
custom_field_tag, custom_field_tag_for_bulk_edit,
custom_field_tag_with_label, custom_fields_tabs, cvs_field_tags,
darcs_field_tags, day_name, default_search_scope, default_search_scopes,
delete_broken_cookies, deny_access, destroy, edit,
filename_for_content_disposition, filesystem_field_tags,
find_current_user, find_language, find_model_object, find_project,
find_project_from_association, format_date, format_revision,
format_time, format_value, format_version_sharing, git_field_tags,
index, invalid_authenticity_token, l_hours, l_or_humanize,
link_to_version, list_files, ll, logged_user=, menu_items,
mercurial_field_tags, modules, month_name, object_errors_to_json,
operators_for_select, parent_project_select_tag, parse_qvalues,
per_page_option, project_settings_tabs, query_statement_invalid,
redirect_back_or_default, redirect_to_project_menu_item, render_403,
render_404, render_attachment_warning_if_needed, render_changes_tree,
render_changeset_changes, render_error, render_feed,
render_project_hierarchy, render_properties, repository_field_tags,
require_admin, require_login, reset_activities, retrieve_query, roadmap,
save_activities, scm_select_tag, set_language_if_valid,
set_localization, settings, show, show_value, sort_clause, sort_clear,
sort_header_tag, sort_init, sort_link, sort_name, sort_update,
subversion_field_tags, to_utf8, truncate_at_line_break, unarchive,
user_setup, valid_languages, version_options_for_select,
with_leading_slash, and without_leading_slash):
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/filters.rb:617:in call_filters' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/filters.rb:610:inperform_action_without_benchmark’
perform_action_without_rescue' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/benchmarking.rb:68:inperform_action_without_rescue’
perform_action_without_flash' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/flash.rb:146:inperform_action’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/base.rb:532:in send' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/base.rb:532:inprocess_without_filters’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/filters.rb:606:in process' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/base.rb:391:inprocess’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/base.rb:386:in call' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb:437:incall’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/action_controller/dispatcher.rb:87:in `dispatch’

Kindly help me out …

Thanks in advance

Do you have that same method in yours projects controller ?

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Anju P s [email protected] wrote:

<%= sortable_element ‘issue-list’,
2011-01-12 16:03:20) [POST]
column_header, copy, current_language, current_menu_item,
link_to_version, list_files, ll, logged_user=, menu_items,
sort_header_tag, sort_init, sort_link, sort_name, sort_update,

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For more options, visit this group at

Rajeev sharma

yes . i have same method in projects_controller.rb

def draganddropsort


Kannav R. wrote in post #974224:

Do you have that same method in yours projects controller ?

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Anju P s [email protected] wrote:

<%= sortable_element ‘issue-list’,
2011-01-12 16:03:20) [POST]
column_header, copy, current_language, current_menu_item,
link_to_version, list_files, ll, logged_user=, menu_items,
sort_header_tag, sort_init, sort_link, sort_name, sort_update,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G.
“Ruby on Rails: Talk” group.
To post to this group, send email to [email protected].
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

[email protected][email protected]

For more options, visit this group at

Rajeev sharma

On Jan 12, 11:37am, Anju P s [email protected] wrote:

yes . i have same method in projects_controller.rb

And it’s public?


Frederick C. wrote in post #974232:

On Jan 12, 11:37am, Anju P s [email protected] wrote:

yes . i have same method in projects_controller.rb

And it’s public?


I hope by default its public…


The only suggestion I can think of is to check there’s no private or
protected call on any of the lines above the method name or to check the
routes file:

project_actions.connect ‘projects/draganddropsort’, :action
=> ‘draganddropsort’

Where is the project_actions coming from ? is it a block variable for
map.resources :projects do |project_actions| ?


David W. wrote in post #974243:

The only suggestion I can think of is to check there’s no private or
protected call on any of the lines above the method name or to check the
routes file:

project_actions.connect ‘projects/draganddropsort’, :action
=> ‘draganddropsort’

Where is the project_actions coming from ? is it a block variable for
map.resources :projects do |project_actions| ?


projects.with_options :conditions => {:method => :post} do

Even i think some mistake in routing …i did some workaround on
it…but all in vain :(.
I call draganddropsort method from roadmap view…and its route is been
added like

map.with_options :controller => ‘projects’ do |projects|
projects.with_options :conditions => {:method => :get} do

project_views.connect ‘projects/:id/:action’, :action => ‘roadmap’

Can anyone suggest possible routes that i can add.


Maybe just keep it very simple with:

map.connect ‘projects/draganddropsort’, :controller => ‘projects’,
=> ‘draganddropsort’

And just see if you can access the draganddropsort method by navigating
it in your browser. Also might be worth running rake routes to see what
routes are getting set.


when i tried
browser, i got
Unknown action


David W. wrote in post #974269:

Whats 1-strfronttech-011 ?

If you’re passing parameters in the url then you’ll need to show that in
routes sometihng like.

map.connect 'projects/:your_parameter/draganddropsort, :controller =>
'projects, :action => ‘draganddropsort’

You can access that parameter in your controller with


yes i did map.connect ‘projects/:id/draganddropsort’, :controller =>
‘projects’, :action => ‘draganddropsort’ in route.rb…

Could you post your projects controller? Might be able to see if there’s
something wrong in there.


Whats 1-strfronttech-011 ?

If you’re passing parameters in the url then you’ll need to show that in
routes sometihng like.

map.connect 'projects/:your_parameter/draganddropsort, :controller =>
'projects, :action => ‘draganddropsort’

You can access that parameter in your controller with


I resolved the issue
It was a PEBKAC, accidentally I defined my method under a set of private
methods :(.

Thanks David

David W. wrote in post #974243:

The only suggestion I can think of is to check there’s no private or
protected call on any of the lines above the method name or to check the
routes file:

project_actions.connect ‘projects/draganddropsort’, :action
=> ‘draganddropsort’

Where is the project_actions coming from ? is it a block variable for
map.resources :projects do |project_actions| ?


David W. wrote in post #974274:

Could you post your projects controller? Might be able to see if there’s
something wrong in there.


Here is my projects_controller.rb…

class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
menu_item :overview
menu_item :activity, :only => :activity
menu_item :roadmap, :only => [:roadmap]
menu_item :files, :only => [:list_files, :add_file]
menu_item :settings, :only => :settings

before_filter :find_project, :except => [ :index, :list, :add, :copy,
:activity,:draganddropsort ]
before_filter :find_optional_project, :only => :activity
before_filter :authorize, :except => [ :index, :list, :add, :copy,
:archive, :unarchive, :destroy, :activity,:draganddropsort ]
before_filter :authorize_global, :only => :add
before_filter :require_admin, :only => [ :copy, :archive, :unarchive,
:destroy ]
accept_key_auth :activity, :index

after_filter :only => [:add, :edit, :archive, :unarchive, :destroy] do
controller.send :expire_action, :controller => ‘welcome’, :action
=> ‘robots.txt’

helper :sort
include SortHelper
helper :custom_fields
include CustomFieldsHelper
helper :issues
helper :queries
include QueriesHelper
helper :repositories
include RepositoriesHelper
include ProjectsHelper

Lists visible projects

def index


Add a new project

def add


def draganddropsort
#@issue = Issue.find_by_id(params[“1479”])
@issues = Issue.find(params[:issue_list])
@issues.each do |issue|
#issue.custom_field_values.value = params[‘issue-list’
].index( + 1
issue.subject = “test”
render :nothing => true

