Search Failure?

I checek out the newest source code from SVN,
it seems my RForum search function does not work ,here is my log

Processing ForumController#search (for at 2006-08-20 23:53:04)
Parameters: {“action”=>“search”, “controller”=>“forum”,
“forums”=>[“1”], “query”=>“come”}
e[4;35;1mBlockedIp Load (0.016000)e[0m e[0mSELECT * FROM blocked_ips
WHERE (ip = ‘’) LIMIT 1e[0m
e[4;36;1mForum Load (0.000000)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT * FROM forums ORDER
BY site_id, position e[0m
id_score_model array: []
Query: come +forum_id:(1 +deleted:0
Result id_array: [],
Rendering within layouts/default
Rendering forum/search
e[4;35;1mForum Columns (0.031000)e[0m e[0mSHOW FIELDS FROM
Completed in 0.17100 (5 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.07800 (45%) | DB:
0.04700 (27%) | 200 OK

hi you guys:
i must add some extra infomation about my question before.
i check the newest source code ,then install ferret ,rake migrate
(schema version:12 ),there are around 10 post(is not empty) in my forum.
when i use the search function ,search the key words like ‘come’,will
nothing ,but there does have the keywords:‘come’.
i doubt if i fail to config the ferret or something else? does anyone
can tell what happen?

Vincent Tsao wrote:

hi you guys:
i must add some extra infomation about my question before.
i check the newest source code ,then install ferret ,rake migrate
(schema version:12 ),there are around 10 post(is not empty) in my forum.
when i use the search function ,search the key words like ‘come’,will
nothing ,but there does have the keywords:‘come’.
i doubt if i fail to config the ferret or something else? does anyone
can tell what happen?

You can either

  1. set :auto_index => true in app/models/post.rb
  2. use scripts/update_index to update the index periodically.

The latter is recommended, especially if your forum has high traffic. Be
warned though that Ferret 0.9.5 is not very stable, so you might
experience some segfaults. I hope that these problems will be fixed in
the 0.10.0 version that is expected to be released soon.

I do try both your suggestions ,I’m afraid ,it still doesn’t work, here
is my install ferret information:

C:\Documents and Settings\vincent>gem install ferret
Need to update 5 gems from

Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ruby extconf.rb install ferret
creating Makefile


nmake install

nmake clean
Successfully installed ferret-0.9.5
Installing ri documentation for ferret-0.9.5…
Installing RDoc documentation for ferret-0.9.5…

Maybe the ferret want to play a joke with me? :slight_smile:
I wander if anyone face the same problem like mine

Hi Andreas S.:
I think I found what’s the problem is:
Do you remenber these tips in search template?

“Search in: (hold the Control or Command key to select multiple

I search a key words like “demo” ,if i select multiple forums,then it
return nothing, but if i just select only one forums, it will return the
result, i wonder if this situation is a bug of RForum or Ferret?