Anyone aware of a Ruby-module for ICQ?

I searched around google, for a module that would “talk” ICQ, but
with no results, so posting here is the last resort.
Do you know any module( even if it’s not maintained anymore )
that deals with ICQ protocol ?


Regards, Groleo!

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On 6/9/06, Groleo M. [email protected] wrote:

I searched around google, for a module that would “talk” ICQ, but
with no results, so posting here is the last resort.
Do you know any module( even if it’s not maintained anymore )
that deals with ICQ protocol ?


I don’t believe there is one, no. Two quick-start approaches that come
to mind would be:

  1. Porting this:
  2. Writing a Ruby wrapper around libgaim

Paul Vaillant has a project going (Net::IM) to do this. I’ve implemented
Oscar/AOL in Ruby but it was never released open-source.

Is it release-able? I’ve had lots of dumb fun playing with Python’s AIM

It’s running in production in several large-enterprises sites, so it’s
release quality.

On 6/9/06, Wilson B. [email protected] wrote:

to mind would be:

  1. Porting this:
  2. Writing a Ruby wrapper around libgaim

I might add :

  1. gaim source.

I think the right choice for me is to port Net::OSCAR, using the
references above.


Regards, Groleo!

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