Glade 3.8.5 not loading files on Win7/10

I have Visual Ruby installed on windows 7 and 10 and it is opening fine.
It can run programs from VR even. However, Glade itself cannot correctly
load any of my files or the sample projects. It opens the file without
error, but the UI windows are completely missing so nothing can be
selected or edited.

I’m guessing this is because it is version 3.8.5 (GTK+ 2) which is the
latest windows installer available via the website. I have searched in
depth and tried everything I can find to install version 3.18-3.20 (GTK+
3) with no luck. Maybe I’m mistaken and something else is going on.

Does anyone have some helpful advice, or am I alone in this issue?

Update in case it helps others, I have Glade 3.20 manually working now
from a MSYS2 console. But I can’t determine a way to launch that shell
command plus the glad exe from within Visual Ruby and have it open a
file from the program.