Visual Ruby Installation on windows 10

I got this error when trying to start visualruby after installing on
Windows 10:

line 302
GLib-GObject-WARNING **:attempt to override closure->va_marshal
(63C488A0) with new marshal (04CE5CD0)
initialize_with_hash': undefined methodinitialize_new_from_file’ for
#<GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf:03A47648 ptr=00000000> (NoMethodError)
Did you mean? initialize_new_from_inline

Any suggestions on what has gone wrong with install. Glade works by
itself as does Ruby

I also got this error in the same environment.

line 302
GLib-GObject-WARNING **:attempt to override closure->va_marshal
(0000000063A48970) with new marshal (00000000067F0518)

I uninstalled ruby, then grabbed 2.3.0 x64 version, and now I only get
this much of the error.

I opened loader and started using some puts to try and trace down the
error. Here is where it errors out in def load_constructor_infos

infos: [#<GObjectIntrospection::ConstructorInfo:00000000030DAE50
ptr=0000000008F8C7A0 own=true>], klass: Gtk::WindowGroup
line 568
GLib-GObject-WARNING **:attempt to override closure->va_marshal
(0000000063A48970) with new marshal (00000000067F0518)

I tracked it down to an invoke statement in loader.rb in the directory
referenced by the error. I am still troubleshooting it down…I’m
totally new to Ruby–I just completed the Codeacademy course this
weekend! lol, so I’ll post in a couple of days unless I can solve it
In the meantime, I started using the Tk windows code to write simple
windows code, Tk looks simple to use and has good documentation. It
comes with ruby; you just have to select to install it during the ruby

Randy Mehling wrote in post #1184993:

I opened loader and started using some puts to try and trace down the
error. Here is where it errors out in def load_constructor_infos

infos: [#<GObjectIntrospection::ConstructorInfo:00000000030DAE50
ptr=0000000008F8C7A0 own=true>], klass: Gtk::WindowGroup


line 568
GLib-GObject-WARNING **:attempt to override closure->va_marshal
(0000000063A48970) with new marshal (00000000067F0518)

I have reinstalled with Ruby23-x64 and am getting exactly the same
error. But VisualRuby does not run afterwards even though this is just a
warning. Not sure how to get it to run so I can use it.