Nginx_upstream_check_module doesn't work with nginx > 1.7.6


I’m not sure if this is the right place to report this issue, but
someone has already run across it and has some insights…

Basically, the “nginx_upstream_check_module” (versions 0.1.9 and 0.3.0)
doesn’t seem to be working with nginx 1.7 greater than 1.7.6.
Upstreams don’t get pinged for status, and calling check_status
results in the following error:

http upstream check module can not find any check server, make sure
added the check servers

It looks like the module is not initialized correctly, e.g. it does not
receive a list of upstream servers.

I also opened a github issue for the module itself –
nginx 1.7.11 · Issue #58 · yaoweibin/nginx_upstream_check_module · GitHub.

Best regards,
Jakub Wroblewski

Posted at Nginx Forum: