Pccc encoder


im new at this. First i apologize for my english. Im trying to use the pccc encoder but i`m having troubble with the
interleaver parameter. My flow graph:

vector source -->pccc encoder -->chunks to symbols -->pccc decoder combo

Some parameters:
fsm1=fsm2= 1,3,[13,11]
symbol table= -7,0, -5,0, -3,0, -1,0, 1,0, 3,0, 5,0, 7,0, 0,-7,0,
-3,0, -1,0, 1,0, 3,0, 5,0, 7,0
i set the block size and block length on the pccc encoder and pccc
combo according to the length of the vector source, but i`m really not

I also would like to know wich could be te block size if the source is a
sine wave.

Thank you very much. Ihope an answer