Pass extra value through text_field_with_auto_complete?


I’m wondering if it is possible to pass an extra value (which I will
use to further restrict my query) using text_field_with_auto_complete?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


I have used the following in one of my partials to get this
fuctionality. I
have written a custom auto_complete_for_project_name to handle the
Note the :with option for the auto_complete_field method is text that is
then interperated as javascript.

The View

<label for="customer">Customer</label>
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :customer, :name %>

<label for="project">Project</label>
<%= text_field :project, :name%>
<div id="auto_complete_for_project_name" 

<%= auto_complete_field “project_name”, { :url => {:action =>
:update =>
:with => “‘customer_name=’
$(‘customer_name’).value + ‘&project_name=’ + $(‘project_name’).value” }

And in the controller. I got this from the rails auto_complete_for
definition (the first part of the original is commented out!)

def auto_complete_for_project_name
# define_method(“auto_complete_for_#{object}_#{method}”) do
cust = Customer.find_by_name(params[:customer_name]) ||
find_options = {
:conditions => [ “name LIKE ? AND customer_id = ?”, ‘%’ +
params[:project_name] + ‘%’, ],
:order => “name ASC”,
:limit => 10 }
@items = Project.find(:all, find_options)
render :inline => “<%= auto_complete_result @items, ‘name’

I have no idea if this is the right Rails way but it works for me so
Although if anyone out there can come up with something better I’m all

Daniel ----- wrote:

I have used the following in one of my partials to get this
fuctionality. I
have written a custom auto_complete_for_project_name to handle the
Note the :with option for the auto_complete_field method is text that is
then interperated as javascript.

This looks like it may do exactly what I need - thank you for the quick