Id3lib-ruby 0.3.0 (Windows binary gem)

Hi everyone,

The fourth release of id3lib-ruby features a Windows binary gem, which
means that installing on Windows now is a piece of cake!
Get it through RubyGems or from:

Thanks go to Mauricio F. for his article on how to cross-compile
Ruby extensions and to Curt H. for his installer of a mingw-based
Ruby. Thanks guys :slight_smile:

== Changes

  • Added generation of mswin32 binary gem. This means that
    installing on Windows is a piece of cake. No dependencies, no
    compiling, just a gem installation.
  • Changed Info.frame to use hash access instead of find → faster.

== Description

id3lib-ruby provides a Ruby interface to the id3lib C++ library for
easily editing ID3 tags (v1 and v2) like with pyid3lib.

Robin S.