Once a day activity

Say I want to send out an email once a day to people who’s name is

Would I use script/runner in conjunction with cron? Or is there
another cool(er) way now?


I don’t like script/runner…Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think
can pass in a file to runner. I just use a normal cron script, hooked up
rails that loads all the models I’ll need. I’ve been doing it this way


But there looks to be a better way of accomplishing it these days:


On May 25, 2006, at 8:04 PM, subimage interactive wrote:

I don’t like script/runner…Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t
think you can pass in a file to runner. I just use a normal cron
script, hooked up to rails that loads all the models I’ll need.
I’ve been doing it this way since pre-script/runner:

Why the requirement to pass in a file?

I create a class in lib/ and invoke a class method.

script/runner -e production “Report.daily”

for instance. This command is invoked by cron.

The nice thing about this is that it’s just Rails.

You don’t need to think about the environment for
a moment. :slight_smile:

– Tom M.

I perform a lot of maintenance…on a few of my sites it requires
data download / import / crunching of massive XML/CSV files.

Couple that with old session cleanup, stats generation, etc & it’s a lot
easier to maintain the code in one spot.

I suppose for simple things the runner might be a nice way to go.