Back-porting 1.1.1 app to 1.0 rails server

I’ve been developing new application on local machine in rails 1.1.1.
Hosting provider (godaddy) is at rails 1.0.0 and not upgrading any time
soon I’m told. I set “RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.0.0’” in my environment.rb
file to get past inital errors, but now I’m getting the following error:

send': undefined methodcache_template_extensions=’ for
ActionView::Base:Class (NoMethodError)

Is there any way around this (short of changing hosting providers)? Is
there any way for me to config my local development environment to avoid
1.1.1 > 1.0.0 migration issues?

many thanks.

Why don’t you put rails 1.1.1 into the vendor directory ?

Roberto S. wrote:

Why don’t you put rails 1.1.1 into the vendor directory ?

Didn’t know I could. That’ll get me headed in the right direction, I’m


Dnia 23-05-2006 o 18:48:14 Cayce B. [email protected] napisaÅ?:

Roberto S. wrote:

Why don’t you put rails 1.1.1 into the vendor directory ?

Didn’t know I could. That’ll get me headed in the right direction, I’m



Try â??rake rails:freeze:gemsâ? in rails dir on your mashine and then copy
to destination host, simple :wink:

Thanks Daniel. I had kind of gotten there through research after
previous post, except the commands I’ve tried are “rake freeze_edge” and
“rake freeze_gems”. Are there substantive differences between your
version of the command and mine?


Dnia 24-05-2006 o 14:35:25 Cayce B. [email protected] napisaÅ?:

Thanks Daniel. I had kind of gotten there through research after
previous post, except the commands I’ve tried are “rake freeze_edge” and
“rake freeze_gems”. Are there substantive differences between your
version of the command and mine?


I think there is no difference between â??rake freeze_gemsâ? and â??rake
This second is produced by â??rake -Tâ? :wink:

In Rails 1.1, rake tasks were given new, namespaced names for better
organization and easier tool integration. freeze_gems became

Cayce B. wrote:

Thanks Daniel. I had kind of gotten there through research after
previous post, except the commands I’ve tried are “rake freeze_edge” and
“rake freeze_gems”. Are there substantive differences between your
version of the command and mine?


Progress has been made, but still having trouble with this…

I performed a rails upgrade locally and did a “rake rails:freeze:edge”
before uploading my app to host. As can be seen in log snippet below,
I’m getting everything started from my vendor/plugins/rails version
(fcgi_handler.rb, dispatcher.rb), but when it gets to an ActiveRecord
call, it’s calling the host gem version 1.13.2 instead of the 1.14.2
version frozen in vendor/plugins/rails/activerecord.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Do I need to run “rake
rails:freeze:gems” in addition to “rake rails:freeze:edge” before


NoMethodError (undefined method verify_active_connections!' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class): /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:991:inmethod_missing’
prepare_application' /vendor/plugins/rails/railties/lib/dispatcher.rb:37:indispatch’
process_request' /vendor/plugins/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:54:inprocess!’
each_cgi' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fcgi-’
/vendor/plugins/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:53:in process!' /vendor/plugins/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:23:inprocess!’