Why won't this "if" clause work properly?

I’m going nuts with this tiny script. I’m basically just doing a page
count in a postscript print file. Even though I feed it jobs with an
even number of pages, it still carries through with line 15, which
should ONLY be run if it’s an odd page count. When I do this in IRB, it
works fine. In other words, if its’ an even page count, it exits, like
it should.

1 Dir.chdir(“c:/scripts/ruby/temp/test”)
2 fedpsfiles = Dir.glob(‘fed*.ps’)
3 #an array for the page count
4 fedpsfiles.each do |fedpsfile|
5 #totalpages = []
6 #Read the whole file into memory.
7 contents = File.read(fedpsfile)
8 #Look for page entries and put them into an array.
9 totalpages = contents.scan(/^%%Page:.*[0-9]{1,5}$/) do
10 end
11 #If the totalpages.length, meaning the array count, is odd, then add
a blank
12 # at the end of the file.
13 remainder = totalpages.length.to_i % 2
14 if remainder == 1 then
15 contents << “%%Blank page for Asura.\nshowpage\n”
16 #Write the whole file now back to the original file.
17 File.open(fedpsfile, “w”) { |f| f.print contents }
18 else exit
19 end
20 end

Peter B. schrieb:

I’m going nuts with this tiny script.

Peter, the problem with your script seems to be here:

9 totalpages = contents.scan(/^%%Page:.*[0-9]{1,5}$/) do
10 end

If you use String#scan with a block, the method returns the original
string (“contents” in this case). See

class String - RDoc Documentation

Try to remove the “do end” part.


Pit C. wrote:

Peter B. schrieb:

I’m going nuts with this tiny script.

Peter, the problem with your script seems to be here:

9 totalpages = contents.scan(/^%%Page:.*[0-9]{1,5}$/) do
10 end

If you use String#scan with a block, the method returns the original
string (“contents” in this case). See

class String - RDoc Documentation

Try to remove the “do end” part.


Thank you very, Pit. I believe the “do end” bit was in there from a
previous rendition of this attempt, but, now that you say it, yes, it
does make sense that it shouldn’t be there. I’ll try it first thing
Monday morning.
Cheers !