
Has anyone looked at implementing GoogieSpell into Typo? We’ve started running it
with Roundcube webmail, and it’s pretty slick. Only issue is that it
‘phones home’ to Google with your data to check, but next we plan on
making this use a local aspell instance. Anyway, there is a link for
‘Alex MacCaw’s Ruby on Rails hack’ - could this be used in Typo
to Spell check at least articles, if not pages and comments too?

P - you don’t have to kick it

Hmm. From the page:

Speaking as someone, er, involved, with the server referred to here,I’m
not sure I’m all that fond of this hack. OTOH, if it’s easy toset up a
local aspell instance, then I’d love to see something likethis in

On 5/19/06, phil [email protected] wrote:> Has anyone looked at
implementing GoogieSpell into Typo?
We’ve started running it with Roundcube webmail, and it’s pretty slick.
Only issue is that it ‘phones home’ to Google with your data to check,
but next we plan on making this use a local aspell instance. Anyway,
there is a link for ‘Alex MacCaw’s Ruby on Rails hack’ - could this be used in Typo
to Spell check at least articles, if not pages and comments too?>> P> - you don’t have to kick it>>
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On Fri, 19 May 2006 11:04:57 -0700, “Scott L.” [email protected]

set up a local aspell instance, then I’d love to see something like
this in Typo.

Understood, I’ll let you know when we get it to that point, thanks.