[ANN] Request Routing Plugin ( :requirements => { :subdomain

Hi All,

Just a quick note to say that I’ve released an intial version of the
request routing plugin which essentially allows you to use various
request object properties as requirements in routes. Most notably you
can do:

map.connect “thing”, :controller => ‘main’, :requirements => {
:subdomain => ‘whatever’ }

…just like the wiki claims you can do but you can’t :slight_smile:

It exposes several other request methods as well like domain, port,
method etc. and excepts Regexps as well as strings for matching.

SVN: http://svn.vivabit.net/external/rubylibs/request_routing/
README: http://svn.vivabit.net/external/rubylibs/request_routing/README



Thanks for this! I’ve been wanting something like this for a while.

Published at http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/request_routing :slight_smile:

Benjamin C.
http://www.tesly.com/ – Collaborative test case management
http://www.agilewebdevelopment.com/ – Resources for the Rails community

Excellent… I was actually thinking on how to do this earlier
today… :slight_smile:

On 5/18/06, Dan W. [email protected] wrote:

…just like the wiki claims you can do but you can’t :slight_smile:

Dan W.

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

Let me know if you have any problems. The rails routing code is a
dark art. I’m using it in a large project and it’s working well and
it passes all my tests so it’s looking good but any feedback would be

Thanks for putting it up on agilewebdev, Ben. I forgot about that.



I was just wondering about one thing here since you are such a routing
expert. Can I use this in some way or how is the best way to display
controller based on subdomain.
Rendering http://UserName.mydomain.com/ as

On 5/18/06, Dan W. [email protected] wrote:
