File and directory layout below app/models

I am posting this again with Subject “[Rails] …” in order to be
caught by inbox filters :slight_smile:


Is it possible to organize my model files below app/models into
subfolders? E.g. I would like to put admin related models into their
own subfolder. This kind of structuring works for controllers and
views (scaffolding creates the right subfolder-model mappings), but
app/models always stays flat. I’d really like to be able to group my
code into logical, well packages :slight_smile: Yes, I come from the Java world


Martin G. wrote:

I am posting this again with Subject “[Rails] …” in order to be
caught by inbox filters :slight_smile:

The mailing list software handles this for you, don’t worry. Your first
message had [Rails] in the subject line as well. Sorry I can’t help you
with your question, just thought I’d point that out.

Thx anyway Jakob :slight_smile: Gmail is not showing [Rails] in the subject if I
don’t put it in there myself. Do you see it twice now?

Doh, a typo! In my original post, the sentence

(scaffolding creates the right subfolder-model mappings)
should have read
(scaffolding creates the right subfolder-module mappings)

it is exactly those subfolder-model mappings that I miss so much ^^


Hi Maurice,

Unfortunately that didn’t work. Rails complains about a missing source
file then …

Have you tried using modules? Controllers work that way… maybe models
should be able to as well.

in app/models/admin/user.rb:

module Admin
class User


and see if that works for you. I’m away from my home machine now, so I
try it for you.