I read in the Agile Rails book that I should avoid GETs for
destructive actions. I notice that on 37signals’ Backpack web site,
deleting an item in a list is accomplished with a simple click on a
picture of a trash can. Is this a violation of the POST/GET rule
noted above, or is there some way to make a clickable link send a


Here is a quote from DHH. You can find it here:
The Google Web Accelerator is back with a vengeance - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

If you?re using Rails, you can now do links like: link_to ?Destroy!?,
:action => ?destroy?, :post => true. That?ll create a link with an
onclick that uses POST for submit. If the user has js turned off, a GET
will still be send. On the server-side, you can then use verify
:destroy, :method => :post.
Yeah, it?s a bit cumbersome, but at least it?s there.

-Eric G.

Ben Nevile wrote:

[email protected]

Eric G.

Thanks for your response, Eric. If I may be permitted a follow-up

On the server-side, you can then use verify
:destroy, :method => :post.

Am I correct in assuming that this call should be in my
ApplicationController class? It’s the only controller in my app
that’s a direct subclass of ActionColler::Base.

if I add

verify :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post

rails complains that I have the wrong number of arguments (it expects
one.) the call

verify :only => :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post

sends me to a blank page, even though through the method you describe
above I have set post = TRUE (and this is verified in the URL of this
blank page.) if I say

verify :only => :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post,
:redirect_to :index

I get a stack overflow.

Any hints for this newbie?

Thanks everyone,

|Hi Ben,

This should work.

class WhateverController < ActionController::Base
| verify :method => :post, :only => :remove_from_chosen_labels, :redirect_to => { :action=> “index” }
def |remove_from_chosen_labels
| # a GET request will never gain access to me

I’ve taken it from Loud Thinking and modified it a bit. If you check out
the post there is some more info on it.

If you are using route names and have and index url specified then you
can should be able to just have:
|:redirect_to => :index_url

I’ve included a few comments in your post below as well.

Eric G.

Ben Nevile wrote:

if I add

verify :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post
You’re passing in a hash, you need to specify the key and the value. ie
key => value
This method can be rewritten as:
verify({:method => :post,:only =>:remove_from_chosen_labels })

rails complains that I have the wrong number of arguments (it expects
one.) the call

verify :only => :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post
hmmm … not sure why this isn’t working

sends me to a blank page, even though through the method you describe
above I have set post = TRUE (and this is verified in the URL of this
blank page.) if I say

verify :only => :remove_from_chosen_labels, :method => :post,
:redirect_to :index
missing ‘=>’

Eric G.

To answer my own question,

the problem was that I actually was not generating POSTs. This is
because I had

<%= link_to “#{@chosen_labels[i].name}”, :action =>
‘remove_from_chosen_labels’, :id => @chosen_labels[i].id, :post =>
true %>

but I should have had

<%= link_to “#{@chosen_labels[i].name}”, {:action =>
‘remove_from_chosen_labels’, :id => @chosen_labels[i].id}, :post =>
true %>
