Gain value from form

I have the following form

<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘rejectQuoteSave’, :id => @project %>

* Reason
<%= text_area 'offer', 'reason_rejected' %>

<%= submit_tag ‘Update’ %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

How can I gain the value of the text field in projects_controller.rb and
then save it to another table by doing somthing like

@project = Project.find(params[:id])

@offer = Offer.find(@project.offer_id)

@offer.date_rejected =

#########get value here###########
@offer.reason_rejected =

On 5/10/06, ss [email protected] wrote:

@offer.reason_rejected =

I’m a bit tired, so this might be wrong, but since you got no reply
yet I figured I’d suggest it anyway so you could try it at least.


That should hold the data for you.

Hope that helps.

Mathias W. wrote:

On 5/10/06, ss [email protected] wrote:

@offer.reason_rejected =

I’m a bit tired, so this might be wrong, but since you got no reply
yet I figured I’d suggest it anyway so you could try it at least.


That should hold the data for you.

Hope that helps.

Yeah that worked,
