YAML in limbo?

When I was writing a simple DNS Sniffer/IDS (for a university project),
I wanted to be able to export DNS responses to YAML, for later
comparison (to detect spoofing). The IPAddr class was widely used within
the project - however, its YAML export looks like this:

irb(main):002:0> i = IPAddr.new(‘’)
=> #<IPAddr: IPv4:>
irb(main):003:0> y i
— !ruby/object:IPAddr
addr: 2130706433
family: 2
mask_addr: 340282366920938463463374607431768211455

After much effort, I figured out how to get it to export like this:

— !ruby/ipaddr

This was done with the following code:

class IPAddr
def to_yaml_type
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit(self.object_id, opts) { |out|
out << "#{to_yaml_type} "
self.to_s.to_yaml(:Emitter => out)

YAML.add_ruby_type(/^ipaddr/) { |type, val|

This works just fine in Ruby 1.8.3 (Syck 0.45), but b0rks completely in
1.8.4 (Syck 0.6). The +out+ stream no longer has a << operator, and
there is a pretty obvious error in the add_ruby_type method, which seems
to be unused.

Now, _why says that the new version is much smarter about these kinds of
things, but the documentation is currently [even more] lacking [than the
previous versions’]. So my question splits into two parts:

  • How can I make my code work in the new version? (preferably
  • What’s up with the docs?

Ohad L. wrote:


to be unused.

Here’s how you do it these days:

class IPAddr
yaml_as “tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:ipaddr”
def to_yaml(opts = {})
YAML::quick_emit(object_id, opts) do |out|
out.scalar(taguri, self.value, :plain)

I started doing RDoc for everything. I keep forgetting to wrap it up.


why the lucky stiff wrote:

Here’s how you do it these days:

I started doing RDoc for everything. I keep forgetting to wrap it up.


Much thanks. That IS simpler… how do I handle the importing though?

(BTW you rule dude :slight_smile: )