Undefined symbols, causes?

Any tips what could cause this, Python does not like the
'U’ndefined symbol.

…/gnuradio/_atsc.so: undefined symbol: _Z14atsc_make_fpllv

$ nm _atsc.so | grep atsc_make_fpll
0004e9c0 T _Z14atsc_make_fplld
U _Z14atsc_make_fpllv

Checking the .libs objects:

$ nm atsc_fpll.o | grep atsc_make_fpll
00000cf0 T _Z14atsc_make_fplld


$ nm atsc.o | grep atsc_make_fpll
U _Z14atsc_make_fpllv <— oh no!!!

SWIG missing something.
Files attached.


Usually when something like this happens, you have some versioning
between interfaces. And indeed your files reveal this:


atsc_fpll_sptr atsc_make_fpll();


atsc_fpll_sptr atsc_make_fpll(double a_initial_freq) { … }

You need to figure out which interface is the right one, and use that.

I think that “f” means float, and “v” means void, for the arguments in
the name


Quoting C. Swiger [email protected]:

On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 15:16 -0400, Ilia Mirkin wrote:

You need to figure out which interface is the right one, and use that.

Ok, changed all to atsc_make_fpll() and that works.

Ideally it would take an argument for initial_freq but I’ll sort that
out ‘later’.


On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 15:16 -0400, Ilia Mirkin wrote:

You need to figure out which interface is the right one, and use that.

In small repayment for your assistance, here’s two screenshots. First
is a local station live off the air, in 20MSps float centered on


and the same after FPLL processing in gnuradio 2.x :


with the mixer image not yet filtered out.
