Global find and replace in RADRAILS. Can you do it?

It seems as though it cannot be done. Does anyone know how to do it?


go to “edit” .there you can find the option to find and replace…(note:
am talking about Radrails v-0.6.2)

Yeah but its not a global find and replace. It will only find and
replace on the current open document.


That needs changing. In Java Eclipse you can refactor easily with the
refactoring tools. How are we supposed to easily refactor ruby without
a global find and replace?

The rad-rails team are decent so hopefully they will resolve this.

sorry there is no option for global find and replace in radrails…its
available in sw like dreamweaver

Can you not go to the Search menu item, bring up the search window, and
instead of doing a search, do a replace? That brings up a list of files
where the search text is found, and you can then choose to replace,
all and so on?


Geoff H. wrote:

Can you not go to the Search menu item, bring up the search window, and
instead of doing a search, do a replace? That brings up a list of files
where the search text is found, and you can then choose to replace,
all and so on?


Man, too slow as usual! But that means I did remember it right…
comforting. :slight_smile:

thanks geoff…

Chris R. wrote:

It seems as though it cannot be done. Does anyone know how to do it?


Don’t have RadRails in front of me now but I would like to remember that
if you choose search there is a button at the bottom that says
“Replace…”. I used it to make changes throughout my project (you can
also do it to all your projects if you wish). Hopefully I remember

hi geoff,
is there any option in radrails to run a test for a particular test.rb
(actually it runs all the (for unit test) test.rb files when i click the
unit test button)

plz clear my doubt…
