Fishing in Ruby

sea =<<END_OF_SEA

<}}}}> ><}}}}> ><}}}}>
<}}}}> ><}}}}>


fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)
“I got #{fish_caught.size} fish!” # => “I got 7 fish!”

Please don’t overfish.

– Fisherman

Hi –

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, A Fisherman wrote:

“I got #{fish_caught.size} fish!” # => “I got 7 fish!”
But does it scale?


David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

“Ruby for Rails” PDF now on sale! Ruby for Rails
Paper version coming in early May!

Are you doing this for the halibut? ha!


unknown wrote:

“I got #{fish_caught.size} fish!” # => “I got 7 fish!”
But does it scale?

Now THAT was a groaner if I ever saw one. :wink: hehehe


Pistos C. wrote:

A Fisherman wrote:

fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)

Just as I thought: Your code doesn’t run. :wink:

irb(main):088:0> fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)

This works, though:

fish_caught = sea.scan("><}}}}*>")

/me supposes he’s taking this far too seriously…

IRB can’t handle the fish. It runs reel well using regular ruby command.

so your not fishing off the same platform?

A Fisherman wrote:

fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)

Just as I thought: Your code doesn’t run. :wink:

irb(main):088:0> fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)

This works, though:

fish_caught = sea.scan("><}}}}*>")

/me supposes he’s taking this far too seriously…


On 4/27/06, Daniel B. [email protected] wrote:

To: ruby-talk ML

Posted via

I believe he was trolling


Perhaps the original poster was just fishing for compliments.

A Fisherman wrote:

Pistos C. wrote:

fish_caught = sea.scan(%><}}}}*>)
IRB can’t handle the fish. It runs reel well using regular ruby command.

Can someone explain what’s happening with the line, then? Is it using
the ‘>’ as the delimiter? So it’s sort of chopping off the “snout” of
each fish?
