View code regular expression

I’m lost on regular expressions to begin with…

I’m trying to fix a value to one of 4 radio buttons as there will be
value of either 1,2,3 or 4 in @roles_users

/> /> /> />

but this code gets me a syntax error…

@roles_users is a hash created from a find.


On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 22:47 +0700, Francois GORET wrote:

value="Case Manager Admin"
value="Case Manager None"
<% if =~ @roles_users /4/ checked = "checked" %> /></TD>

but this code gets me a syntax error…

@roles_users is a hash created from a find.

Hmm… so it’s not an integer / string like I understood from the beginning?
What’s the contents of your hash?

@roles_users.inspect says…
[#“3”, “user_id”=>“18”}>, #“7”, “user_id”=>“18”}>, #“11”,
“user_id”=>“18”}>, #“15”, “user_id”=>“18”}>, #“19”, “user_id”=>“18”}>]


Francois GORET wrote:

<%= “checked” if @roles_users == 1 %>

Note that the ‘if’ must have a corresponding ‘end’.
Not so:

alex@pandora:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> puts ‘foo’ if 1 == 1
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts ‘foo’ if 1 == 0
=> nil

I don’t think I’ve ever tried that syntax in ERb, though, so I can’t
vouch for it in a template…

On Saturday 15 April 2006 22:34, Craig W. wrote:

I’m lost on regular expressions to begin with…

I’m trying to fix a value to one of 4 radio buttons as there will be
value of either 1,2,3 or 4 in @roles_users

So @roles_users is an integer, or a string ? I assume an integer…


<%= “checked” if @roles_users == 1 %>

Note that the ‘if’ must have a corresponding ‘end’. The one line form of
has a mandatory ‘then’ too:
if @roles_users == 1 then “checked” end … is the verbose equivalent of
expression above.

The syntax for a regular expression is @roles_users =~ /1/

value="Case Manager None"
<% if =~ @roles_users /4/ checked = "checked" %> /></TD>

but this code gets me a syntax error…

@roles_users is a hash created from a find.

Hmm… so it’s not an integer / string like I understood from the
What’s the contents of your hash?


On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 17:21 +0100, Alex Y. wrote:

irb(main):002:0> puts ‘foo’ if 1 == 0
=> nil

I don’t think I’ve ever tried that syntax in ERb, though, so I can’t
vouch for it in a template…

still I’m struggling with this…in script/console

=> [#<RolesUsers:0xb796f490 @attributes={“role_id”=>“3”,
“user_id”=>“18”}>, #<RolesUsers:0xb796f454 @attributes={“role_id”=>“7”,
“user_id”=>“18”}>, #<RolesUsers:0xb796f404 @attributes={“role_id”=>“11”,
“user_id”=>“18”}>, #<RolesUsers:0xb796f2c4 @attributes={“role_id”=>“15”,
“user_id”=>“18”}>, #<RolesUsers:0xb796f274 @attributes={“role_id”=>“19”,

I’m trying to figure out if there’s a ‘role_id’ that equals 1, 2, 3 or 4
from the above…

3 =~ /@roles_users/
=> false

“3” =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil

‘:role_id=>“3”’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil

‘role_id=>“3”’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil

‘role_id=>3’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil

If I assume which element, I can get it but I can’t just assume that
(well I can if I ‘order’ the items when I retrieve them) but I sure
would love to know how to use regex to parse @roles_users anyway.


Hi –

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Craig W. wrote:

=> nil
=> [#<RolesUsers:0xb796f490 @attributes={“role_id”=>“3”,
=> false

“3” =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil
‘:role_id=>“3”’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil
‘role_id=>“3”’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil
‘role_id=>3’ =~ /@roles_users/
=> nil

You’re performing various tests on the string “@roles_users”, which
you can tell at a glance doesn’t contain a “3” :slight_smile:

If I assume which element, I can get it but I can’t just assume that
(well I can if I ‘order’ the items when I retrieve them) but I sure
would love to know how to use regex to parse @roles_users anyway.

@roles_users is an array, and regexes are for strings, so it’s not the
right way. Here’s a way to see whether the array contains an element
whose role_id is “1” through “4”:

@roles_users.any? {|ru| %w{1 2 3 4}.include?(ru.role_id) }


David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

“Ruby for Rails” PDF now on sale! Ruby for Rails
Paper version coming in early May!

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 18:36 -0400, [email protected] wrote:

I’m trying to figure out if there’s a ‘role_id’ that equals 1, 2, 3 or 4

‘role_id=>3’ =~ /@roles_users/
right way. Here’s a way to see whether the array contains an element
whose role_id is “1” through “4”:

@roles_users.any? {|ru| %w{1 2 3 4}.include?(ru.role_id) }

thanks - that was exactly what I need as I am likely to re-factor my
code because I really don’t like ‘assuming’ the data isn’t going to
change, even though I am in control over the data in this case. I
recognize my propensity for shooting myself in the foot and this section
of code bothered me and what you pointed out appears to be a much better
solution, but I had to move on at the time and thus, this information
will wait a few days as I now have things working and will do some
cleanup over time.

