ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper instance methods should take


ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper methods (e.g. #text_field,
#check_box…) take object_name as an argument. From this argument
they infer a name that is supposed to contains the reference to the
relevant object.

I can’t see why the FormHelper methods were designed that way.
Compared to simply passing them a reference, the current way seems too
complicated and an invitation to problems or at least limitations.

For example, if you call text_field(“post”, “title”), the method would
look for a @post instance variable. Imagine you were using a local
variable for storing the relevant object, instead of an instance
variable. If text_field took a reference, you would just call it with
text_field(post, :title). However, since it takes a string an infers a
reference name, you now have to change your assigned names or at least
create new aliases to your existing names.

To sum up, I can’t see any advantages to the object_name approach, I
don’t understand why FormHelper was initially designed that way, so I
think it should be changed so as to be more convenient and flexible.
What do you think?


On Saturday 08 April 2006 17:50, Alder G. wrote:

think it should be changed so as to be more convenient and flexible.
What do you think?


It provides some useful additions. Like mass assigning with
.attributes=, and
the use of validations without worrying about anything. Look at my post
on the
list I made 2 minutes before you did, which explains a bit about

In situations where you encounter limitations, use the text_field_tag


For example, if you call text_field(“post”, “title”), the method would
look for a @post instance variable. Imagine you were using a local
variable for storing the relevant object, instead of an instance
variable. If text_field took a reference, you would just call it with
text_field(post, :title). However, since it takes a string an infers a
reference name, you now have to change your assigned names or at least
create new aliases to your existing names.

… or simply use text_field_tag instead of text_field.

To sum up, I can’t see any advantages to the object_name approach, I
don’t understand why FormHelper was initially designed that way, so I
think it should be changed so as to be more convenient and flexible.
What do you think?

Nothing should be changed, When you want to work with model’s
attributes you use text_field (which makes updates as simple as
update_attributes params[:model]) ,
when you want something ‘flexible’ you use text_field_tag.
