Problems with Rails 1.1 observe_field :with serialized

I’d like to use observe_field to watch a field, and then when it changes
send the entire form to the server. I had been using

<%= observe_field 'entity_name_'[email protected]_s, :frequency => 0.5,
:update => 'auto_complete_'[email protected]_s, :url =>
{ :controller => ‘committees’, :action=>
}, :with => ‘Form.serialize(“new_contrib_form_#{}”)’ %>

But the problem appears to be that when this is made into Javascript, it
wants to do something like


It used to work fine and give me


I’m pretty sure the same thing happens with observe_form. Ideas?


Asa H. wrote:

wants to do something like


It seemed to work for me after I removed the quotes from the form being
I changed from
and it worked again as before…


That doesn’t work for me. What happens is that the parameters passed
look like

Parameters: {“Form.serialize(new_contrib_form_13)”=>“A”,
“action”=>“auto_complete_for_entity_name”, “controller”=>“committees”,

The relevant (new for 1.1) section of the API says:

:with: A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for the
XMLHttpRequest. This defaults to â??valueâ??, which in the evaluated context
refers to the new field value. If you specify a string without a “=”,
itâ??ll be extended to mean the form key that the value should be assigned
to. So :with => “term” gives “â??termâ??=value”. If a “=” is present, no
extension will happen.

The problem is in the adding of the equals sign, etc. It’s trying to do
too much work for me.


daniel wiesmann wrote:

Asa H. wrote:

wants to do something like


It seemed to work for me after I removed the quotes from the form being
I changed from
and it worked again as before…


OK. I seem to have gotten it working again, but the solution seems like
a total hack.

:with => “foo = Form.serialize(‘new_contrib_form_#{}’)”

Including the = sign in the :with tag prevents it from rewriting with
‘=value’ at the end. However, the “foo =” part doesn’t matter at all,
except that it’s a valid statement. I see nothing about anything called
“foo” on the Rails side. I do, however, get the whole form into
params[] as I would like. So, it works, but feels shaky.


Asa H. wrote:

That doesn’t work for me. What happens is that the parameters passed
look like

Parameters: {“Form.serialize(new_contrib_form_13)”=>“A”,
“action”=>“auto_complete_for_entity_name”, “controller”=>“committees”,

The relevant (new for 1.1) section of the API says:

:with: A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for the
XMLHttpRequest. This defaults to â??valueâ??, which in the evaluated context
refers to the new field value. If you specify a string without a “=”,
itâ??ll be extended to mean the form key that the value should be assigned
to. So :with => “term” gives “â??termâ??=value”. If a “=” is present, no
extension will happen.

The problem is in the adding of the equals sign, etc. It’s trying to do
too much work for me.


daniel wiesmann wrote:

Asa H. wrote:

wants to do something like


It seemed to work for me after I removed the quotes from the form being
I changed from
and it worked again as before…


yep, I can confirm the same thing is happening with observe_form in my
app and your work around fixes it.

But would be nice to not have to do that I suppose.

observe_form apparently defaults to sending the whole form, so for it
you can just leave off :with completely, and it’ll work.


Andy Shen wrote:

yep, I can confirm the same thing is happening with observe_form in my
app and your work around fixes it.

But would be nice to not have to do that I suppose.

hi there.
i had the same problem in an app where one dev used observe_fields
(little code snippet from the rails wiki)
the workaround didn´t work for me so i went ahead and just changed the
source of the prototype_helper and took out the part where it adds the =

  • value stuff.
    its in
    in the function build_observer
    just thought i´d mention that as another quick fix.
    kind regards,