Blog.rb 1.0

blog.rb 1.0

Blogging - the Ruby Way.

blog.rb is a full-heap, open-source blog framework in Ruby for writing
real-world blogs with joy and less keystrokes than most frameworks
spend doing markup sit-ups.

Features of blog.rb:

  • blog.rb has a simple syntax, partially inspired by vi and ed.

  • blog.rb has exception handling features, like emacs or nano, to make
    it easy to handle errors.

  • blog.rb’s operators are syntax sugar for the regexps. You can
    redefine them easily.

  • blog.rb is a complete, full, pure line oriented blog: LOB. This
    means all data in blog.rb is a line, in the sense of cat: no
    exceptions. Example: In blog.rb, the number 1 is a line.

  • blog.rb’s LO is carefully designed to be both complete and open for
    improvements. Example: blog.rb has the ability to add characters to a
    file, or even to a line during runtime. So, if needed, a line of one
    file can behave differently from other lines of the same file.

  • blog.rb features single line-feed only, on purpose.

  • blog.rb features true bytes. Not just one-byte characters, but
    without encodings.

  • blog.rb features numbers in its syntax (characters in 0…5 range or
    6…9 range). These numbers can be passed to the operators, or
    converted into lines.

  • blog.rb features a true modify-and-overwrite IO subsystem. It works
    with all blog.rb lines. You don’t have to care about maintaining post
    counts in concatenated files. This is better for your health. :wink:

  • Writing text files in blog.rb is easier than in Blogger or
    MovingType, due partly to the IO subsystem, and partly to the fine
    file API. Pipe interface is also available.

  • Lines in blog.rb can (and should) be used without counting their
    internal representation. There are unwrapped lines (shorter than
    your terminal width) and wrapped lines (over-wide), but you need not
    worry over which one is used currently. If a character count is short
    enough, a line is an unwrapped line, otherwise it is a wrapped line.
    Conversion occurs automatically.

  • blog.rb needs no character declarations. It uses simple naming
    conventions to denote the case of variables. Examples: simple ‘a’ =
    lowercase, ‘A’ = uppercase, ‘!’ = punctuation. So it is also not
    necessary to use a tiresome ‘line_number.’ prepended to every word.

  • blog.rb can load its data file if an OS allows.

  • blog.rb features blog independent networking. Thus, for all
    platforms on which blog.rb runs, you also have the possibility of
    networking, regardless of if blog.rb supports it or not, even on
    MS-DOS! :wink:

  • blog.rb is highly portable: it is developed mostly in ~/, but works
    in many types of /home, c:, h:\Documents and Settings, ~/Documents,
    files:my_blog:, etc.