Titles in URL?


I have an article website and would like to have the title of the
article in the URL. and not domain.com/show/id

ie: http://domain.ck/articles/how-to-become-a-ror-master/

How to change a title with special caracters like: ', :, é, !. to
something that works in the URL.

Thank you!

Try this snippet:


Rather than try to remove all odd characters, why not permit only valid
characters like [a-zA-Z0-9_-]? I use this (outside of RoR) to limit
injections as well.


Łukasz Piestrzeniewicz wrote:

Try this snippet:

BigBold - Informasi Tentang Bisnis dan Marketing


But that would just mean any other characters are simply missed out,
which isn’t quite as user-friendly as if they were replaced with
keyboard-friendly characters. If you were using a site like that, and
you wanted to get to the article “When (not) to add jalepeños to your
cooking”, would you rather type “jalepenos” or “jalepeos”?

weirdmonkey wrote:

unknown wrote:

But that would just mean any other characters are simply missed out,
which isn’t quite as user-friendly as if they were replaced with
keyboard-friendly characters. If you were using a site like that, and
you wanted to get to the article “When (not) to add jalepeños to your
cooking”, would you rather type “jalepenos” or “jalepeos”?

it is a French website, so I only want to replace non-standar caracter
from URL and keep all accents, etc, in the article

It could probablky be done in a nicer way but:

def Format.slug text
require ‘iconv’
tempText = Iconv.conv(“ASCII//TRANSLIT”, “ISO-8859-15”, text)
rescue Exception
tempText = text
tempText.downcase.strip.gsub(/\s+/ , ‘’).gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/,
‘’).gsub(/+/ , '’)

unknown wrote:

But that would just mean any other characters are simply missed out,
which isn’t quite as user-friendly as if they were replaced with
keyboard-friendly characters. If you were using a site like that, and
you wanted to get to the article “When (not) to add jalepeños to your
cooking”, would you rather type “jalepenos” or “jalepeos”?

it is a French website, so I only want to replace non-standar caracter
from URL and keep all accents, etc, in the article