Rails + svn automation script

Anyone got a script to share that:

  1. Creates a trunk directory
  2. Creates a trunk/vendor directory
  3. Adds the above to svn
  4. Modifies trunk/vendor to use a certain rails revision (i.e. trunk or
  5. Runs trunk/vendor/rails/…/bin/rails to generate a rails directory
  6. Modifies the svn:ignore for the logs and config/database.yml
  7. Moves config/database.yml to config/database.yml.sample
  8. Adds a script/reload_everything.sh.sample script to scripts/ that
    8a. Drops the dev and test database
    8b. Reloads the dev and test database
    8c. Performs migration on the dev and test database
    8d. Runs rake load_fixtures (to populate the dev database)
    8e. Runs rake to run the tests
  9. Ignores script/reload_everything.sh

I think that’s it. Just wondering if anyone’s done something like
that before I make my own. That’s generally the process I follow when
creating a new Rails project.

On 3/30/06, Joe Van D. [email protected] wrote:

8a. Drops the dev and test database
8b. Reloads the dev and test database
8c. Performs migration on the dev and test database
8d. Runs rake load_fixtures (to populate the dev database)
8e. Runs rake to run the tests
9. Ignores script/reload_everything.sh

I think that’s it. Just wondering if anyone’s done something like
that before I make my own. That’s generally the process I follow when
creating a new Rails project.

Fine, be that way. I made my own. Haven’t given it extensive testing
yet, and there’s little in the way of error checking.

Process: Create a svn repository, check it out, cd into it. And then
run this script. Should do most of the above. Hopefully it won’t
erase your system.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

puts “This will create a Rails project for you!”
puts “You need to be in an (probably empty) svn project when running
this command”

puts “What’s the name of your project? (used for database name)”
db_name = gets.chomp

puts “Do you want to track:
a) Rails 1.0
b) Rails 1.1
c) Edge Rails”
case gets.chomp
when ‘a’
rails = :one_oh
when ‘b’
rails = :one_one
when ‘c’
rails = :edge
puts “You suck”
exit 1

puts “Creating directories and doing a svn checkout of Rails”

case rails
when :one_oh
svn = “svn export
when :one_one
svn = “svn export
when :edge
svn = “svn propset svn:externals "rails
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk/\” trunk/vendor"

system “mkdir trunk”
system “mkdir trunk/vendor”
system “svn add trunk trunk/vendor”
system “svn commit -m ‘initial import’”
system svn
system “svn up”
system “ruby trunk/vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails trunk”
system “svn add trunk/* trunk/vendor/*”
system “svn commit -m ‘adding rails stuff’ trunk”

system “sed ‘s/trunk/#{ db_name }/g’ trunk/config/database.yml >
system “mv /tmp/database.yml trunk/config/database.yml.sample”
system “svn del trunk/config/database.yml”
system “svn add trunk/config/database.yml.sample”
system “svn commit -m ‘removing database.yml and adding a sample one’
system “svn propset svn:ignore database.yml trunk/config”

system “svn del trunk/log/"
system “svn commit -m ‘removing logs’ trunk/log”
system "svn propset svn:ignore '
’ trunk/log”

reload_everything_script = <<-EOF

echo " *** Dropping the database…"
echo 'drop database #{db_name}_development; ’ | mysql -h localhost -u
echo 'drop database #{db_name}_test; ’ | mysql -h localhost -u root

echo " *** Creating the database… "
echo ‘create database #{db_name}_development;’ | mysql -h localhost -u
echo ‘create database #{db_name}_test;’ | mysql -h localhost -u root

echo " *** Running the migration scripts…"
rake migrate

echo " *** Loading the test fixtures… "
rake load_fixtures

echo " *** Running the tests"
rake default

File.open(“trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample”, “w”) do |f|
f << reload_everything_script
system “chmod +x trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample”
system “svn add trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample”
system “svn propset svn:ignore reload_everything.sh trunk/script”
system “svn propset svn:ignore ‘*’ trunk/db”
system “svn up”

system “svn commit -m ‘committing everything’ trunk”

system “cp trunk/config/database.yml.sample trunk/config/database.yml”
system “cp trunk/script/reload_everything.sh.sample

puts “You should be ready to go! Enjoy! send feedback to Joe Van D.
at [email protected]