[ANN] Export Fixtures Plugin

= Description

This plugin is a super lightweight tool used to export data into the
test/fixtures directory.

So if you want to export all your data from your production server into
development environment, this will simplify the process without having
load up your database manager.

[%] rake db:fixtures:export_all RAILS_ENV=development
[%] rake db:fixtures:load


script/plugin discover
script/plugin install export_fixtures

= Usage

Create YAML test fixtures from data in an existing database. Defaults to
development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override.
rake db:fixtures:export_all

Create YAML test fixtures for a specific table(s) from data in an
database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override.

rake db:fixtures:export_for_tables TABLES=foo,bar

Create YAML text fixtures based on a specific SQL query
rake db:fixtures:export_using_query SQL=“select * from foo where


Please report any bugs or feature enhancements to

Nathaniel S. H. Brown                        http://nshb.net

Nathaniel, is my interpretation right that your data dumper just exports
tables ? (while other approaches, for example the one of topfunky
objects and had trouble with habtms relations).

It’s just a slightly more advanced version of the code in Rails
Recipes for this task. It allows you to specify specific tables or
use a sql query to specify the data.

Thanks to Nathaniel for turning it into a plugin.



This plugin is actually the brainchild of Chris McGrath. I did some
to add namespace support, but the seed was sewn by Chris and I had the
privlege to package it all up and throw it on my open source repository

The topfunky script I had checked out was indeed exporting ruby objects,
which I had some errors with when I tried it. I did some hacking and
couldn’t get to the bottom of it.

The Export Fixtures plugin is completely lightweight, and doesn’t add
anything to ActiveRecord class as the ar_fixtures plugin does. It is
a rake task, which exports the data in the database into a flat YAML
not as ruby objects.


On 3/30/06 6:20 AM, “Roberto S.” [email protected] wrote:

Nathaniel, is my interpretation right that your data dumper just exports
tables ? (while other approaches, for example the one of topfunky exported
objects and had trouble with habtms relations).

Roberto S. - http://rsaccon.com

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Nathaniel S. H. Brown                        http://nshb.net