File deletion failed -- how to handle problem?

Hi All,

I wrote a simple test a techiques I’ll apply in an app I’m going start
shortly. One thing my test did is: – -- open a non-existent file for
– populate it
– close it
– open it for reading, expecting automatic closure when reading ended
– looped through file printing its line to STDOUT
– attempted to delete the file – got “Permission denied -
TestOutput.txt (Errno::EACCES)”

I tested it under SciTE.

The relevant code fragment is listed below. I think the problem is
that the file is in the process of being closed by WindowsXP-Pro when
the delete request hits the OS and the OS complains.

If that’s correct, all I have to do is write some loop that naps and
re-attempts the deletion until successful. Is there better approach,
or is my analysis wrong in the first place?

********* Code fragment ****************
puts “\nDisplaying the content of #{fno}:”
puts “Opening #{fno}’”, “r”) do |file| # Open for reading
while sLine = file.gets
puts sLine
end # File will be closed automantically when scope of “do” exited
puts “#{fno} closed”

puts “\nDeleting #{fno}”


Richard schrieb:

Richard, your code works for me, when I run it from the command line. I
haven’t tried it with SciTE.


Worked for me:

ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]
SciTE Version 1.59

Richard wrote:

Hi All,

end # File will be closed automantically when scope of “do” exited
puts “#{fno} closed”

puts “\nDeleting #{fno}”

It looks like you’re passing around a fileno. If that’s the case, the
implication is that you’ve opened the filehandle somewhere else, but
haven’t closed it.

Also, you’re better off using IO.foreach(file) instead of the
block you’ve got there.

