Css, div-tags and ajax


I copied parts of the ajax-examples in Agile Rails prog. and modified
it so it searched for zip-codes. The result is displayed in
search.rhtml. The first version looked like this, I liked the look of
the “add to cart” in the depot-example. :class => ‘button1’ is
originally addtocart which I renamed in the .css-file.

<% for city in @cities %>
<%= link_to (city.postalcode,
:action => ‘observer’,
:class => ‘button1’) %>
<%=h city.name %>
<% end %>

Fairly trivial. When I wanted to “ajax-ify” link_to I wrote:

<% for city in @cities %>
<%= link_to_remote (city.postalcode,
:update => ‘p_search’,
:url => {:action => ‘observer’},
:class => ‘button1’) %>
<%=h city.name %>
<% end %>

Now this nice css-button1 looks like a plain href. How can I retain
the css-created look?
