Proxy question when using soap/wsdlDriver

Hi all,

I’m going through the Brian M. web services article
(, but at my day
I’m behind a proxy/firewall.

To run a Ruby gem I have to do something like this

gem install -p rails

but I’m having a bit of trouble finding the equivalent for the soap
I’m trying to run within IRB but can switch over to “real” Ruby code in
file if it makes it easier.

specifically, I’m trying to run this code:

require “soap/wsdlDriver”
wsdl = “
factory =

At this point, the factory can’t create the factory because it can’t
outside the web proxy. I can download the wsdl file (via a web browser)
save it, but then I won’t be able to actually exercise the web service.

So how do I tell Ruby (or IRB or the soap code) to use a proxy?

Thanks all!


I had a similar problem and ended up setting an env variable:


The SOAP connection worked after that, but mileage will vary.
